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What’s the difference between dry and dehydrated skin?

With the weather getting colder and the central heating being turned up, you might be experiencing drier skin. But did you know that there’s a difference between dry and dehydrated skin and treating them the same can make the complaints considerably worse.

What is dry skin?

Dry skin is a skin type, like normal, oily and combination. Unlike other skin types, dry skin struggles to produce enough sebum, which helps it to retain moisture. As a result, it can feel tight and flaky and look lacklustre in appearance. Sebum also acts as a protective barrier for the skin from external influences like changes in temperature and the sun. Therefore, a lack of sebum in dry skin can make it more sensitive and prone to reactions.

What is dehydrated skin?

Dehydrated skin is caused by the body being starved of H2O, whether from not drinking enough water or from environmental factors like pollution or too much sun exposure. Like a plant, dehydrated skin shrivels and droops. The skin loses its elasticity, and fine lines and wrinkles look more prominent.

Dry skin needs more sebum, whereas dehydrated skin needs added hydration.

How do I treat dry and dehydrated skin?

For dry skin, the team at The Aesthetics Room recommends using products that contain oil to seal your skin’s outer layer and lock in moisture. Use a cleanser like PCA Skin’s daily cleaning oil, which will remove dirt without stripping the skin of its much-needed oils. Finish with a rich moisturiser like HydraLuxe, containing peony extract, chicory lead extract, and snow algae; and if you’re experiencing flaky skin, use a high-quality exfoliator like 

For dehydrated skin, it’s vital that you increase your water intake, as if your skin is dehydrated it’s more than likely that your body is dehydrated too. However, using a hyaluronic acid, like PCA Skin’s hyaluronic acid boosting serum can help to increase the skin’s hydration levels on the surface and deeper in the skin – this magical product even encourages your skin to up its own hyaluronic acid production.

If you’re still unsure whether your skin is dry or dehydrated, book an in-person or online appointment to speak to the team at The Aesthetics Room, who will be able to identify your skin complaint and advise on the best course of treatment to get you glowing.

Trust in The Aesthetics Room

The Aesthetics Room is a certified and reputable provider of skin, body, and hair treatments, with trained professionals administering treatments in its Harley Street and Knightsbridge branches. With in-person and virtual consultations available, speak to a member of the team for free today about the clinic’s extensive list of beauty and medical treatments.

If you’re still not convinced that The Aesthetics Room is for you, check out the clinic’s multiple five-star reviews and testimonials.